In “Pine Cone Pandemic: With Acorn Dressing” by H.T. Manogue, there exists a pinecone grotto where individuals have discovered that they can interact with higher level beings in the trees. The special trees are comprised of seven pinecone and two oak trees. As individuals are drawn into the grotto they discover that they can connect with these nonphysical energy personalities. The interaction with this community of higher-level energy beings aids people in disconnecting from the material world and getting in touch with their own inner personalities, which are part of the fourth dimension.
These beings communicate with others through their physical entities. They send valuable messages, many of which are shared with the outside world. These messages also enable the people to learn from each other. As people are waking up, their experiences are being known as the Pine Cone Pandemic. There is no cure for waking up. The Acorn Dressing group is comprised of energy personality translators who relay messages at the grotto. In this story, the Acorn Dressing group is made up of a group of lively, eccentric humans, who in addition to relaying special messages, they also make this an entertaining trip.
I loved reading “Pine Cone Pandemic: With Acorn Dressing.” Being new to this author, I have to admit that I had no clue what was in store for me. Because I love to go out into the woods and find strength among the trees, I really could feel myself relating to this story. The author’s writing style is engaging and stimulates a sensory experience of being in woodland splendor. Living in the desert as I do now has removed me from being able to wander off into the woods as I would like, and for my next journey into a wooded area, I plan to quiet my mind so that I can listen to what the forest might tell me. For now, I can just say that I really enjoyed visiting the forest through reading this book and the poignant, thought-provoking messages sent by the energy beings. I gained a lot of food for thought, and a great deal of material for journaling.
Readers who like to look outside of the mundane world will love, “Pine Cone Pandemic: With Acorn Dressing” by H.T. Manogue. Highly recommended reading!